New Ways -vs- Old Traditions

I want to step back a bit.

Over the last few weeks, I personally have been caught up with, what I call the “need to survive” in this world we all live in. As most of us are… I am tired, a little frazzled, and if I must say, some confusion about all current events (not to be discussed here) I will leave that to all Social Media Outlet and our wonderful News Stations.

But with all of this…

Where do we Turn, or Turn Off! There are some of the most amazing resources available online, for ALL to find. This not available much when I was a younger person.

Libraries, with Books, Books and more Books. Finding myself laying under a tree, in the grass reading. This was and still is my best escape!

Best Reading Positions

This was an adventure, planned learning, a Journey of sorts. The closest Library to me was 45 minutes away, living in Rural Oregon, population 500, spread out for miles of corn and cattle. The anticipation for such a trip to the library, with my list in hand of all the Need to Read…lol. How I treasure these memories …..

For most, not all, now a day, if a thought of something, anything crosses your mind, we have immediate access to any information we want to see, read, learn etc. I do enjoy this to an extent, but, on the other hand it can be so overwhelming. Finding myself jumping around from one subject to the next not narrowing down the topic or having the Ah Ha experience of the Journey, or the learning of anything to completion. I was always the one to Hone my craft, to become one with it….

So, I will pose a question…

For the New Ways, do you take the time to know your Craft?

An after thought!

Does anyone actually use Old Traditions any longer or are they just too Old, too Ancient to be of use in this Modern Society of our Craft?

Having been able to have both Oral and Written traditions experienced in my life…. I can honestly say in my personal opinion, I prefer the Old Ways!

Italy's Rapunzel, Cinderella and other Italian Fairy Tales ...
Schiehallion: A posy of Rannoch poesy,: cailleach/deer schehallion ...

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